Thursday, May 07, 2015

Plants and reactions to harmful stimuli

Plants and reactions to harmful stimuli

Dear All on my mailing list,

This is such a fantastic and very interesting video regarding plants and reactions to harmful stimuli, which I have received from dear friends in the US! I thought you might enjoy seeing it:


Many years ago I tried to search for one of the actual pain transmitter molecules, substance P, in various plants using immunohistochemical methods at the level of light and fluorescence microscopy. Unfortunately, we were not - at that time - successful, and the project soon went into a too early stall due to lack of further resources. (Today, I would - of course - also have included chemical substances such as calmodulin in such a search.)

Later on, as you know, the French scientists showed tomato plants to be very sensitive to EMR from mobile base stations (cf. Roux D, Vian A, Girard S, Bonnet P, Paladian F, Davies E, G Ledoigt, "High frequency (900 MHz) low amplitude (5 V/m) electromagnetic field: a genuine environmental stimulus that affects transcription, translation, calcium and energy charge in tomato", Planta 2008; 227: 883-891), and we have - recently - also replicated the cress seed findings of the Danish schoolgirls (cf. "Effect of man-made electromagnetic fields on common Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum (cress d’Alinois) seed germination: a preliminary replication study", by Marie-Claire Cammaerts och Olle Johansson, accepted for publication in Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany; it will appear in the December issue of 2015).

With my very best regards
Yours sincerely



(Olle Johansson, associate professor

The Experimental Dermatology Unit

Department of Neuroscience

Karolinska Institute

171 77 Stockholm


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